Thursday, December 20, 2018

Rebel Inc - Defeat all maps on Brutal

Rebel Inc - Defeat all maps on Brutal

Rebel Inc. is the new IOS game by Ndemic Creations, creators of Plague Inc.  This is a fantastic strategy game that requires correct planning, execution, and timing.  Since the game hasn't been out that long, there aren't many guides out there to correctly aid people in beating the game on its most challenging mode, Brutal.  Rest assured, that's what I'm here to do right now.

First thing is first, I've found that the Banker is the easiest for me to use for each map due to the increasing interest on available cash.

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1.  Begin with 'District Representatives' on the Government tab and then 'Print Money'

Let the inflation die down while you earn some compound interest on the money along with the boosts for Intel gathering.

2.  Next, on the Civilian Tab, select 'Services Discussion' and go 2 deep into all three categories, water, medical, schools.

This will start to help you stabilize the region you have intel on.

3.  Go to the Government tab and select 'District Representatives' and 'PR & Media Office'

The regions you have will be in pretty good shape now.  At this point, depending on the map, you are going to be warned against insurgents.

4.  On the Military tab, 'Deploy Coalition Soldiers', 'Deploy National Soldiers', 'Interpreters and Guides', and 'Human Terrain System'

Immediately start using soldiers to get intel along roads from your base outword to where insurgents spawn.  Having intel over the roads allows troops to travel much much faster.  If insurgents take over a choke point, you're soldiers will have to find a different way through slowing them down.

Once Insurgents spawn, do NOT focus on the insurgents themselves.  Focus on their base.  Their base is always connected to the territory they spawn beside.  Get to that base.  If for some reason you can't, you need to call in airstrikes to kill it.  Once killed, start corralling and containing insurgents to a corner/side.

5.  Get the 'Anti-Corruption Procurement' and 'Anti-Corruption 1'

You want to keep corruption under under 50% or so.  At 60%, it starts having negative affects on Reputation...which can affect just be mindful of corruption at this point and keep it at or below 50%.

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6.  Go ahead and grab 'Coalition Soldiers 2' and depending on what's happening...'National Soldiers 2' to get them training.

Continue corralling and keeping insurgents from cities...focusing on killing any bases that pop up.  If you see a "QUESTION MARK" anywhere on the map...get to it and kill's usually an enemy base.

7.  I like to grab 'Outreach office' and 'universal justice' at this point to help stabilize some more and grab that 3 reputation.  You'll start getting some random pop-ups and use 'Counter-strike' when possible to fend off insurgent support.

8.  Grab 'Garrisons' and if you are corralling soldiers, these will start helping.  Your goal isn't to kill off the insurgents, its to corral them into about 3 or 4 spaces where they can't get out.

9.  At this point, I go ahead and get 'Service Discussions' and 'Dirt Roads' allowing my troops to move a little faster in the mountains.

10.  Keep an eye on corruption and continue getting Anti-Corruption as needed.

11.  If you don't already have National Soldiers 2....get them now along with Airstrikes if you don't already have them.

Keep the insurgents corralled and controlled and upgrade the National Army abilities as needed, "National Travel Logistics", "National Arms Upgrades", "Anti-IED Vehicle Upgrades"

12.  'Surveillance Drones' and 'Combat Sensors' will help find any bases that may spawn now, and give you a combat bonus.  (If you are having trouble finding bases in the early game, it's fine to grab drones then....just wait for the Sensors until you need a little more power.).

By this point, you should be in a really good situation and have insurgents cornered.  I always delay the peace process until I have really good odds...and at times try to win without the peace process at all...but for now, accept the 'Peace Process' and hold on to the end.  I always select to antagonize the insurgents for the rep boost.  Cash starts flowing in now as well.

13.  I typically grab 'Telecoms 1" here and then add to my civics or military power while closing out the game.

14.  Continue practicing to get the timing of everything down.  Sometimes, you just need some better insurgent spawns and luck with quickly finding the bases.

15.  Win and take on the next map!

Hopefully those steps help you out.  Feel free to experiment with the order of things but I've beeaten every map with this strategy adapting here and there for various situations.  Sometimes, it takes a few more tries than others (like when insurgents spawning on opposite sides of the map).  Once you beat one map with this'll have a better feel next time.  Congrats and get excited, that Warlord will be unlocked and available to you soon once you beat every map.  Thanks for visiting and good luck out there.

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super Bowl Sunday!

It’s been awhile since I last posted and decided I had to give a Super Bowl prediction before the game.  Hopefully, many of you see this before the big game tonight.  Once again, Tom Brady and the New England Patriots are back in the Super Bowl.  The biggest question is can Bill and Tom win their sixth together?  It’s certainly hard to bet against them.

On the other side, the Philadelphia Eagles have had an amazing season.  Even without QB Carson Wentz, the Eagles have been a force this post-season.  As a Vol fan, I’ll be pulling hard for Derek Barnett and the Eagles to deny Tom his sixth ring.  I’m not sure I could bare Tom having as many rings as Michael Jordan.  That’s just not supposed to happen in football.

The New England Patriots are just too good on multiple levels however.  Philly has a nasty defense but I don’t think it’s good enough to control Brady and company.  Gronk is always a force to be reckoned with so I predict a tight game with him scoring the final TD.  With the game on the line late in the 4th quarter, there isn’t anyone on either side of the field that is going to deny Brady and Gronk.  Pats win a tight one 21-17!  Go Eagles anyway!  Hopefully, I’m wrong!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Don’t count out the Jaguars

The Jacksonville Jaguars travel to Foxborough tomorrow to take on Tom Brady and the New England Patriots and all the talk is how it’s going to be an absolute route of the Jags.  While it would be a folly to bet against the Patriots, I’m not quite convinced this will not be a great game.  The Jacksonville Jaguars have an incredible defense that leads the league in sacks, takeaways, and points allowed.  Granted, Tom Brady doesn’t make very many mistakes.  The Jags also have a good offensive line and an incredible young tailback named Leonard Fournette.  If the Jags can be successful running the football and play better defense than the 42 points they gave up against Pittsburg, there isn’t a team in the league this Jags team can’t beat.  Regardless, never bet against Tom Brady in the playoffs.  New England 24-20.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


A few months ago, I decided to start training for a short triathlon.  The event consists of a 400 meter swim, 6 mile bike, and 3 mile run and takes place in April.  I’ve never been much of a distance runner.  In High School, I ran the 100m, 200m and 400m.  Anything over 400m, to me, felt like a marathon.  It came as a shock to me to hear someone refer to the 1 mile run as a mile sprint.  In any case, I finally worked my way up to running 2 miles the other day at a pathetic 10:30 pace but the IT Band on the outside of my knee became inflamed so I’ve had to move indoors to biking/rowing in the meantime.  Hopefully I can get back to running soon.  The running portion is what I’m most worried about since I’m technically, according to my surgeon, not supposed to run on hard surfaces.

Ultimately, it all goes back to an old knee injury.  I ruptured my ACL and broke my femur, fibula, and tibia in the playoffs my senior year of high school.  A few years ago, I was running and my tibia started to micro-fracture under the screw and staple in my knee.  That lead to another surgery to remove the hardware in order to keep a rod from having to be placed in my tibia.  All is well that ends well but it still causes issues when I’m running and will be the biggest hurdle for me to clear.

Today, I got a 6 mile bike in and a 2.5k row.  My knee is feeling significantly better and looking forward to getting in an 800m swim tomorrow.  Thankfully, I work near a YMCA, where I’m able to go on my lunch break every day to train.  It makes training significantly easier when you don’t lose any time with your wife and kids in the evening.  In any case, I’ll continue to post about my journey to be ready to go in April.  Thanks for stopping by and feel free  to leave a comment anytime.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Rocky Week for Crypto Investors

The crypto markets have been falling pretty hard this week.  It seems many people think this is a "correction" or "manipulation due to wall-street futures expiring" or 'Chinese New Year" or several other factors.  What no one seems to be doing however, is a little bit of math.

Let's take Ripple.  A couple of weeks ago they were number 2 in market cap behind Bitcoin and reached highs of over $3.00.  The thing is, their market cap was at $130 billion dollars.  Here is a platform making $0 in revenue right now and they announce a partnership with MoneyGram.  MoneyGram is a company on the NYSE sitting at a market cap of $676 million.  Ripple holders immediately start tweeting and posting to Reddit and other avenues that they are going to "moon" and double in price.

Wait a second?  Here is a company that has dropped from $130 billion to $40 billion in a week or two and adding a partnership with a $676 million dollar company is going to double the price.  $40 billion plus $676 million = $40.676 billion if you include the full market cap of that company.  IT DOESN'T ADD UP!!!  Furthermore, MoneyGram is an actual business making money right now.  Ripple is not.  It's a platform and the price is set on speculation of what it will do.  Why should it be valued 217x a different business that has been successful for a very long time?

The thing is....that is one example out of 100s.  There are people out there that think they are buying into companies that they own and hold.  No, they aren't.  They own a currency.  They have no laws protecting them.  They have no voting rights with the company.  The CEO's responsibilities are to its share and stakeholders, not to crypto holders.  In laymen's terms, take a look at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.  Star Wars is big right now.  Star Wars:  Galaxy of Heroes is one of the top 20 or so apps with revenue.  Crypto holders think they are buying into Star Wars:  Galaxy of Heroes or Electronic Arts.  No, they aren't.  They are buying Gems, the paid currency that is used inside the game to buy loot-boxes, characters, etc.  What happens if Electronic Arts decides to add a new "pay-to-win" coin and Gems become easily handed out?  What happens if EA shuts down Galaxy of Heroes b/c they launch Galaxy of Heroes 2?  Gems, even with the platform they are on being extremely successful, could lose all their value at any moment.  With most crypto, however, we don't know yet if they are going to be successful.  It's mostly all based on speculation.

At the end of the day, there will be a very small number of block-chain platforms that are very successful.  I'd love to buy stock in some of those platforms.  Vechain would be my number 1 holding if I was still in crypto.  I'm not, however.  Should Vechain offer shares of their company on the stock exchange, I'd love to get involved.  There's just too much risk in crypto and the math completely makes no sense.  If you are still in crypto, good luck.  I hope this is a correction and you make a ton of money.  I will not envy anyone that makes a fortune in Crypto should it continue for a very long time.  I also will not feel bad for those that lose fortunes.  The risks are very clear at this point but its your money.  Do your own research and invest it wherever you'd like to.  Good luck.

Monday, January 15, 2018

New Year New You

Last May, I made the decision to get back in shape and start eating healthier.  Over the years, with works, kids, less physical activity, etc, I had slowly put on a little more weight each year.  It's easy to do but losing weight is hard.  I mean, in a world where in 15 seconds, you can grab one pastry and add 400 calories to your diet, there isn't really a quick 15 second way to lose those same 400 calories.  It takes about 45 minutes of continuous cardio at the gym to subtract that back out.  Fast forward eight months later to today and now I'm down 50 lbs.  It's quite a noticeable difference.  Naturally, I get the question, "How'd you do it?",  "What exercises are you doing?" or "What diet are you on?"

The truth of the matter is moderation.  I didn't do anything drastically different.  In fact, I didn't even go to the gym the first three months.  I downloaded a calorie tracking app to set a daily goal but even more so, to see how much what I was eating was costing me and then made some changes.

1.  I learned what foods were high in calories that were not worth the calories to me.  Fries, why was I eating fries?  Mainly, b/c of marketing.  They came in my value meal so I ate them.  That was the first thing I cut way back on.  I still get them occasionally or every time I go to Pal's, but for the most part, that's a food I don't really care for that much that was costing me 400 calories.

2.  Soda/sugary coffee - I switched out sugary drinks and coffee with water,  black coffee and unsweetened tea.  I either like coffee and tea really really sweet or bold with no sugar at all.  Maybe that's weird, but its what worked for me.

3.  More fruits-  I have a pretty bad sweet tooth.  Reese's peanut butter cups are a crutch of mine.  The thing is, though, fruit is amazing.  It comes with fiber and sugar, doesn't spike your blood sugar nearly as much, and you can eat quite a bit of it before you equate it to eating a king size Reese's big cup.

4.  More Vegetables - I like vegetables in general and my wife is a good cook, so we started buying more vegetables and anytime I had a weak moment where I grabbed a piece of cake at lunch or maybe had a little bit bigger meal for breakfast than normal, I would eat more vegetables in the evening.  Vegetables are amazing at helping to fill you up and are a great snack with tons of vitamins and minerals when you are running low on available calories.  You can even throw spinach leaves on a layer of pizza to help fill you up quicker so you don't eat as much.

5.  More meat from local farms - Grilled chicken, hamburger, steak, cheesesteak, etc.  I'm a big fan of meat.  Grilling out is a great high protein, low calorie way to end the day....especially if you've set a calorie goal and are approaching it.  Also, the next time you go through a drive-thru, type into an app what you are getting....subtract fries and a drink.  It's not nearly as bad eating a delicious 700 calorie philly cheesesteak as opposed to the 1,350 value meal they want to sell you.  Would you rather have that fries and drink now or a plate full of fruits and berries later?

Looking back, I mostly eliminated processed sugars, got out of the middle of the grocery store, bought more from the outside walls and when I really wanted something, I ate it.  Once I got my eating habits and portion control down, I got back in the gym.  The funny thing was, for whatever reason, I lost less weight going to the gym.  I was getting more fit, stronger, leaner and healthier but I lost less weight.  The other thing I noticed is that due to the increased metabolism and burning of more calories, I was more hungry throughout the day and especially at the end of the day.  I had to adjust to needing more calories and that took a few weeks.

Overall, don't get frustrated.  Realize the process is meant to take time.  You don't gain a ton of weight overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight.  Every person has to kind of find what's right for them.  Set manageable goals and when you have a meal or day where you just blow it, just realize that one bad day was most likely better than any day you had before your new goal to lose weight and look great.  Good luck!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Jeremy Pruitt

For the first time in a long time, the University of Tennessee Volunteers have a hard nosed, physical, defensive minded football coach.  I tend to lean on the side of optimism when pulling for my favorite team but this time, things just feel different.  Coach Pruitt comes from a football family, raised by a coach and teacher and was a teacher himself while working his way up the HS and college ranks.  He got in the profession to help young men and became extremely successful through working harder than everyone else.   His players love him and what he is about.  Players in the NFL that played for him rave about him.....but the fan base....some Vol fans didn’t like the fact that he was going back to Tennessee’s rival, Alabama, to coach in the College Football Playoff.

I disagree with them wholeheartedly.  College football is first and foremost about recruiting.  Coach Pruitt just proved to the entire nation that he finishes what he starts and that he’s there for the young men he recruits.  Guys want to play for him...and guys want to play for the all-star recruiting staff he’s assembled.  This guy gets it.  Hopefully everything comes together and he can become very successful at Tennessee.  It will not happen overnight, of course......but it finally feels like the University of Tennessee is pointed in the right direction with the right man at the helm.  Go Vols!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

My couple of weeks in Crypto!

I am a pretty risk averse person that has always been interested in technology.  I had been following Bitcoin and Alt-Coins for several years, understand work toward the Internet of Things, and even the theoretical Singularity.  I did a bunch of research and set valuations, buy-in points, and sell points before even choosing which coins to invest in.  A few days after Christmas, I took a small amount of Christmas cash and bought Vechain, Stellar Lumens, and Request Network thinking, yes, this is a bubble but I’ll play with a small amount until after income tax return season and see what happens.

Bam!  I bought in.  I set up my Coinbase account and Binance account and set my portfolio percentage to how I wanted them thinking it would take until at least March to get to my valuations.  Something unexpected happened though.  My coins, along with pretty much every other coin shot up to double my sell points and valuations.  I had doubled my money in 6 days.  I know what many of you are thinking.....that’s amazing!

Wrong!  That’s terrible.  It’s great my “investment” paid off but it set off a red flag.  I chose platforms with detailed use papers, working platforms, known partnerships with governments and Fortune 500 companies....but everything was up.....from a Market Cap of 600 billion to 860 billion.  Most of this stuff isn’t even built yet.  This tech is not implemented.  Due to the daily gains, the market is flooding with new “investors” and there are only so many crypto coins.  One coin, built off the meme of a dog whose founders hadn’t updated the platform in 2 years was worth 1 billion dollars.  Yes, a coin that most likely has $0.00 net present value is worth a billion.

That, my friends, is not a bubble.  It’s a star getting ready to explode and turn into a supermassive black hole that will suck everything near it in to die a fiery dark death.  Yes!  There is money to be made if you get out before the explosion.  Yes, there are some great PROJECTS that will evtually succeed and come out ahead.....BUT.....this is .com on steroids and speed.  Right now, everyone is standing at the craps table and winning.  Everyone is celebrating.  Everyone is having a great time.  My friends, 7s are eventually coming.  If you choose to jump in, good luck. You have an opportunity to make some money.  You are gambling though.  These rates of gains cannot hold.  A few coins will survive and gain a lot more hopefully....but a day is coming....a reckoning.  The million/billion dollar question is when?  A day from now?  A month?  6 months?  A year?  Not sure!  I don’t want to be anywhere near it, though, when it collapses.  I doubled my money in 6 days and got out ASAP.  I don’t recommend it.  I can’t recommend it.  If you do however, good luck!  I wish you nothing but success!!!
Hello and welcome to Who would have thought I would start a blog?  I’m just a guy, dad, friend, husband and son that decided to share his thoughts with the world.  I graduated with my MBA almost exactly 10 years ago and have worked in sports, sales, mortgage lending, and information technology.  I know, right?  That’s quite the range.  My undergraduate degree is in sports management and while in grad school I worked as an Interim Director of Ticket Operations before joining a lower level minor league team as the Assistant General Manager.  Upon graduating with my MBA, I got married and joined a mortgage lending company where I was a mortgage loan originator and now work as as SQA Anaylist.  I essentially help design and test computer software for the company.  In any case, I’m married to a lovely wife and we have three beautiful children, the youngest of which has Sensory Processing Disorder.  Ultimately, I decided to start this blog to tell some of my stories to anyone that wants to listen.  My passions include business, sports, investing, video games, and being with my family.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you take away something great from being here.