Thursday, January 18, 2018


A few months ago, I decided to start training for a short triathlon.  The event consists of a 400 meter swim, 6 mile bike, and 3 mile run and takes place in April.  I’ve never been much of a distance runner.  In High School, I ran the 100m, 200m and 400m.  Anything over 400m, to me, felt like a marathon.  It came as a shock to me to hear someone refer to the 1 mile run as a mile sprint.  In any case, I finally worked my way up to running 2 miles the other day at a pathetic 10:30 pace but the IT Band on the outside of my knee became inflamed so I’ve had to move indoors to biking/rowing in the meantime.  Hopefully I can get back to running soon.  The running portion is what I’m most worried about since I’m technically, according to my surgeon, not supposed to run on hard surfaces.

Ultimately, it all goes back to an old knee injury.  I ruptured my ACL and broke my femur, fibula, and tibia in the playoffs my senior year of high school.  A few years ago, I was running and my tibia started to micro-fracture under the screw and staple in my knee.  That lead to another surgery to remove the hardware in order to keep a rod from having to be placed in my tibia.  All is well that ends well but it still causes issues when I’m running and will be the biggest hurdle for me to clear.

Today, I got a 6 mile bike in and a 2.5k row.  My knee is feeling significantly better and looking forward to getting in an 800m swim tomorrow.  Thankfully, I work near a YMCA, where I’m able to go on my lunch break every day to train.  It makes training significantly easier when you don’t lose any time with your wife and kids in the evening.  In any case, I’ll continue to post about my journey to be ready to go in April.  Thanks for stopping by and feel free  to leave a comment anytime.

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