Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hello and welcome to Who would have thought I would start a blog?  I’m just a guy, dad, friend, husband and son that decided to share his thoughts with the world.  I graduated with my MBA almost exactly 10 years ago and have worked in sports, sales, mortgage lending, and information technology.  I know, right?  That’s quite the range.  My undergraduate degree is in sports management and while in grad school I worked as an Interim Director of Ticket Operations before joining a lower level minor league team as the Assistant General Manager.  Upon graduating with my MBA, I got married and joined a mortgage lending company where I was a mortgage loan originator and now work as as SQA Anaylist.  I essentially help design and test computer software for the company.  In any case, I’m married to a lovely wife and we have three beautiful children, the youngest of which has Sensory Processing Disorder.  Ultimately, I decided to start this blog to tell some of my stories to anyone that wants to listen.  My passions include business, sports, investing, video games, and being with my family.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you take away something great from being here.


  1. Dear dad: mom told me you are a superhero who saves peoples' lives everyday. She said when you leave the house, you change clothes and become Horace Lasergash, a crime fighting daredevil with blindingly fast speed and superhuman vision (which makes sense, because if you're running super fast, it's helpful to see as much of what's in front of you as possible). Now here I am on the tablet I got from Santa, reading about how you have an MBA, test software, and have a passion for investing. Is this all a ruse to keep the government off your trail? I surely hope so.

    Your heartbroken son

    PS- thanks for calling me "beautiful" ... *gag*

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Every superhero has to have a cover. Am I right?
