Sunday, January 14, 2018

Jeremy Pruitt

For the first time in a long time, the University of Tennessee Volunteers have a hard nosed, physical, defensive minded football coach.  I tend to lean on the side of optimism when pulling for my favorite team but this time, things just feel different.  Coach Pruitt comes from a football family, raised by a coach and teacher and was a teacher himself while working his way up the HS and college ranks.  He got in the profession to help young men and became extremely successful through working harder than everyone else.   His players love him and what he is about.  Players in the NFL that played for him rave about him.....but the fan base....some Vol fans didn’t like the fact that he was going back to Tennessee’s rival, Alabama, to coach in the College Football Playoff.

I disagree with them wholeheartedly.  College football is first and foremost about recruiting.  Coach Pruitt just proved to the entire nation that he finishes what he starts and that he’s there for the young men he recruits.  Guys want to play for him...and guys want to play for the all-star recruiting staff he’s assembled.  This guy gets it.  Hopefully everything comes together and he can become very successful at Tennessee.  It will not happen overnight, of course......but it finally feels like the University of Tennessee is pointed in the right direction with the right man at the helm.  Go Vols!

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