Saturday, January 13, 2018

My couple of weeks in Crypto!

I am a pretty risk averse person that has always been interested in technology.  I had been following Bitcoin and Alt-Coins for several years, understand work toward the Internet of Things, and even the theoretical Singularity.  I did a bunch of research and set valuations, buy-in points, and sell points before even choosing which coins to invest in.  A few days after Christmas, I took a small amount of Christmas cash and bought Vechain, Stellar Lumens, and Request Network thinking, yes, this is a bubble but I’ll play with a small amount until after income tax return season and see what happens.

Bam!  I bought in.  I set up my Coinbase account and Binance account and set my portfolio percentage to how I wanted them thinking it would take until at least March to get to my valuations.  Something unexpected happened though.  My coins, along with pretty much every other coin shot up to double my sell points and valuations.  I had doubled my money in 6 days.  I know what many of you are thinking.....that’s amazing!

Wrong!  That’s terrible.  It’s great my “investment” paid off but it set off a red flag.  I chose platforms with detailed use papers, working platforms, known partnerships with governments and Fortune 500 companies....but everything was up.....from a Market Cap of 600 billion to 860 billion.  Most of this stuff isn’t even built yet.  This tech is not implemented.  Due to the daily gains, the market is flooding with new “investors” and there are only so many crypto coins.  One coin, built off the meme of a dog whose founders hadn’t updated the platform in 2 years was worth 1 billion dollars.  Yes, a coin that most likely has $0.00 net present value is worth a billion.

That, my friends, is not a bubble.  It’s a star getting ready to explode and turn into a supermassive black hole that will suck everything near it in to die a fiery dark death.  Yes!  There is money to be made if you get out before the explosion.  Yes, there are some great PROJECTS that will evtually succeed and come out ahead.....BUT.....this is .com on steroids and speed.  Right now, everyone is standing at the craps table and winning.  Everyone is celebrating.  Everyone is having a great time.  My friends, 7s are eventually coming.  If you choose to jump in, good luck. You have an opportunity to make some money.  You are gambling though.  These rates of gains cannot hold.  A few coins will survive and gain a lot more hopefully....but a day is coming....a reckoning.  The million/billion dollar question is when?  A day from now?  A month?  6 months?  A year?  Not sure!  I don’t want to be anywhere near it, though, when it collapses.  I doubled my money in 6 days and got out ASAP.  I don’t recommend it.  I can’t recommend it.  If you do however, good luck!  I wish you nothing but success!!!

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